Here at Lenz Security we endeavour to keep you up to date with industry news and security tips on how to keep your home or business secure. Choose from the categories below to find what you’re looking for.
Top tips to beat the burglars this summer!
Even though you may have a great home security system Colchester CCTV installation experts, Lenz Security, have some great tips to make sure your summer isn’t ruined by an unwanted break-in. Summer is finally here! It has been a long and hard winter for most of us,...
Why are professional CCTV installers so important?
If you have ever wondered if you should install your own CCTV, or use professional CCTV installers, Chelmsford operating Lenz Security would always suggest going with the professionals. Call us biased, but there are some huge benefits to be...
Lenz Security is now serving the Chelmsford area!
When it comes to domestic or commercial burglar alarm systems, Chelmsford can now sleep easy as Lenz Security will once again be providing their first-class security services to the area! If you are looking for the peace of mind that comes with knowing your home or...
Other ways of utilising your home CCTV!
With many of you now owning smart security systems, Colchester based Lenz Security would like to discuss some of the other, unexpected benefits that come with having CCTV in your home! In previous blogs, we have extolled the virtues of installing an up-to-date home...
Protect your garage and outbuildings during lockdown
When it comes to keeping your property safe with a home alarm and CCTV systems, Colchester based Lenz Security knows a thing or two. We know that when people think of keeping their property safe, they automatically think of just the home...
Take a look at our latest completed project!
Commercial Security Systems & CCTV Colchester If you are thinking about safeguarding your business with the installation of commercial security systems and CCTV, Colchester based Lenz Security will find the perfect solution for your...
We’re a security company in Colchester, in the heart of Essex. We can help you with anything from CCTV Systems to Home Security and Replacement Locks. Lenz Security also offers services such as: School and Education Security, Access Control Systems, Commercial Security and more!
We cover Essex, surrounding home counties and London. Customer peace of mind is our teams’ number one priority. We will walk you through every stage of the process with complete transparency.
To contact the team please feel free to contact us here, alternatively you can visit our Facebook page here for up to date news, reviews and photos of recent projects we have worked on.