Normally, when people think of a security alarm Colchester uses, they imagine expensive high street stores, banks and jewellery shops. However, security is just as important on your educational premises as any commercial property or your home.
School assets are costly investments and ones that are not easily replaced in large quantities. With such regular attendees, schools and other places of education can quickly become a hotspot of criminal activity from trespassing to vandalism and theft. Without an effective security system, you are leaving your premises susceptible to break-ins and other crimes.
A primary concern is break-ins, as these often lead to other criminal activity. Break-in prevention should be considered the first line of defence. Intruder alarms are the superior choice when it comes to intruder detection and the choice of the security alarm Colchester offers. Lenz Security takes pride in always providing a bespoke service. This means we tailor each security system to your premises, specifications and budget, to give you the best protection possible.

It is also important to consider additional aspects of your security defence system. The best security alarm Colchester provides is effective at detecting an intruder and alerting the authorities. However, high definition CCTV systems are more effectively used as evidence in the Justice System. For more information about how a security system Colchester is used in the Justice System, head to our blog.
Moreover, CCTV can help you put a face, and therefore a name, to your intruder. This can be particularly important on educational premises as it can reveal whether or not a student is responsible. Thus, providing you with accurate information to correctly handle disciplinary action. Lenz Security systems supply you with the finest security alarm Colchester offers and equips you with remote viewing to give you control when it matters most. To get in touch with an expert CCTV installer Colchester offers head to our contact us page.
The advantages of a bespoke security system also extend further than break-ins and trespassing. The daily operation of a school can be incredibly challenging. Students significantly outnumber staff and when it comes to monitoring behaviour, it never feels like there are enough hands on board. This is where advances in CCTV security system technology can step in for you. Remote control viewing acts as the necessary extra pairs of eyes and makes everyone’s lives easier by allowing staff to remotely monitor students and behaviour.
Faster identification of conflict and disorderly conduct on campus can prevent escalation and provide an objective account regarding the succession of events. Ensuring you remain in control 24 hours a day! 24-hour monitoring elicits a sense of awareness among students and acts as a deterrent, assisting in the prevention of disorderly conduct and vandalism.
A similar concept may apply to passers-by. Any reports of safeguarding concerns can be addressed immediately and with more accuracy than previously possible.
The safeguarding of students is the highest priority for any educational premises. With a bespoke security system that includes the finest security alarm Colchester offers, you can be sure you are doing everything you can to ensure the safety of your students and staff.
Security alarm Colchester
To put safeguarding first and protect your assets, head to our school and education security services page. Or, get in touch with the expert CCTV installer Colchester provides and our team of experts via our contact us page.