Properly securing your street facing business is paramount in protecting your business from burglary and break-ins. Many businesses rely solely on a burglar alarm, whether in Colchester or the surrounding area. If your business is on the ground floor you are even more vulnerable to a break-in, so extra safety measures are essential to safeguard against this threat. Fortunately, if you are looking to install a burglar alarm, Colchester based Lenz Security can offer a tailor made bespoke solution to any security need for your business. As every business need is different, we thought it would be helpful to take a look at a variety of security measures so that you can decide on how best to protect your business against unwanted access.

Install An Alarm
Unfortunately there will always be a risk of criminals attempting to break into your business. Installing an up to date alarm system dramatically reduces this risk. Our commercial alarm solutions are designed to detect intrusion at the earliest point, whilst reducing false alarms. Our control equipment will signal an alert immediately to either a 24hr manned monitoring station or Smartphone. The monitoring station can then notify you (as well as the relevant authorities) so the best action can be taken.
Install CCTV
There are many benefits to installing both external and internal CCTV on your business premises. An external CCTV camera acts as a serious deterrent to criminals looking to break into your business. It also deters any other illegal activity from taking place outside of your business premises. External CCTV can also assist the police should anyone damage your premises, or attempt to break in. This evidence is invaluable in securing a conviction. Should an intruder actually break into your premises an internal CCTV system will also be invaluable in gathering evidence for the police.
Put Up Visible Signs To Warn Of Alarm And CCTV
This may sound like common sense but visible signs that inform that your business is protected by alarms and/or CCTV are very effective at deterring intruders. Although this may not put off the determined burglar, visible signage will make a lot of potential intruders think twice.
Use Reinforced Glass For Windows
The main points of entry for an intruder breaking into your business premises are either by forcing or breaking a door, or by smashing or forcing a window. Installing reinforced glass (or safety glass) in your windows dramatically reduces the risk of a smash and grab type of attack on your business.
Strengthen Doors
As mentioned above, doors and windows are the primary entry points into your premises. Doors, especially back or side doors hidden from street view, are particularly vulnerable to attack from talented criminals. We suggest you ensure any door is secured using a deadbolt lock, as they cannot be opened without using extreme force. This deters a burglar due to the amount of noise created in using such force, alerting any passers by.
Installing Commercial Security Shutters
Burglary and vandalism are an ever present threat to business owners with premises facing the street. You can protect your business with commercial security shutters. These will add another intimidating layer of protection against any would be intruder. Security shutters are electric, needing either a high security key switch to operate, or remote control.You can also order security shutters in a variety of colours so they fit in with the brand colouring of your business.
External And Internal Lighting
As almost all break-ins occur at night, external and internal lighting is a great deterrent. Burglars typically prefer to work in darkness to give them time to unlawfully gain access to a property. By installing an external security light, especially one that is motion sensitive, you take the advantage of darkness away from the burglar. This is particularly effective for street facing businesses with a back or side door away from the street. Internal lighting is also advantageous, as an intruder much prefers working in the darkness. A lighted interior gives a burglar away to any passer by and therefore makes it more unattractive to break-in in the first place.
All of the above measures have been proven to deter any potential burglar from attempting to enter your business premises. Ideally we suggest a combination of all of the above to turn your street facing business into a fortress. However, for the most determined burglar sometimes even these measures are not enough to prevent them from gaining entry. Unfortunately, nothing is 100% foolproof against a determined attack. By utilising the above methods you ensure your business is as protected from a break-in as possible. As burglar alarm specialists, Colchester based Lenz Security have a few additional tips to protect your business.

Who Has Keys To The Business?
Here is a nightmare scenario. You have taken every possible measure to secure your premises. You arrive at work in the morning. The door is open, but undamaged. Your premises have been entered and goods or money taken, or damage has been inflicted inside. You have been burgled! You would be surprised how often this happens, and it is due to a key either being stolen or copied. Whether you have a large workforce, or are just a one man operation, keeping keys secure is essential. Ensure the minimum number of staff have a key as possible, the fewer the better. Also instruct key holders to never let the keys leave their possession.
Safe Installation
If an intruder should penetrate your business they will want to grab the goods with the most value as quickly as possible. Should you need to leave either money or high value goods in the premises overnight you can add extra protection by installing a safe. We suggest bolting the safe in a well lit area for extra protection and ensuring all money/valuables are locked inside each night.
We hope that this has given you some helpful ideas on how to protect your street facing business. Should you wish to discuss installing a burglar alarm in Colchester, or want to hear about the products Lenz Security offers please contact us for more information.