Experts in home security Colchester based Lenz Security explains how best to maintain your Home Security System
Home Security Colchester is one of Lenz Security’s main focus areas. Homes that have security systems installed, in good working order are five times less likely to be burgled than those without. So, your security devices and their components must be in full working order. Regular checks are really important.
Security systems cover a vast array of products and devices including CCTV, Lockdown alarms – home burglar alarm systems or commercial security, all doing their part in discouraging intruders and as a result, preventing a possible break-in.

If you require help and advice on maintaining your Home Security System Lenz Security is here to guide you.
Here are our top tips for all you needs to know for Home Security maintenance:
Testing your Control Panel
The control panel works as a central unit of a home security system. All home security components within your security system are controlled by this. All modern control panels will have a ‘test’ mode that has been designed to allow you to diagnose the system. Hence, allowing you to check everything is in working order. It is also advisable to do a visual inspection on your control panel to check for any signs of loose or damaged wires. If you find any visible signs of wear and tear, or the control panel malfunctions during the self-test, we recommend that you notify us immediately.
Inspecting Security Cameras on your property
During your spring cleaning, inspect each and every camera within your home security system. Throughout your inspection, make sure that all internal and external cameras have power, that they are aimed properly, and have not been damaged or vandalized. Apart from doing a physical inspection, it is advisable to check all recording and monitoring security devices as well to make sure that all cameras are recording as you would expect.
Examine all Security Lights within your property
Security lights on a property are usually situated in driveways, side passageways or gardens. Home security lights help to deter intruders to avoid break-ins. Also offering safe passage for you to your property after dark. It is recommended to check all outdoor security lights and replace them as and when it is required. Security lighting can at times shift due to bad weather and especially in high winds. Should this happen, we advise that you readjust your security lights at your earliest convenience, ensuring that they are aimed correctly and lighting opportunity is maximized.
Cleaning your Security Devices
Keeping your home security devices and all of their connected components clean can be beneficial. Particularly because you will be able to detect any potential problems that may otherwise get ignored. When the issues are detected, it will become much easier for you to find proper solutions. Making sure that your home security system is working at its full potential.
Your Mobile Device Security
Ensuring your mobile device is set up with full access to your security systems is key. Especially when you are away from your property. Always ensuring your mobile is suitably charged for full access to view your security applications is of the utmost importance. Dialler burglar alarms in particular automatically dial or text your phone number. Alternatively, if the alarm is triggered it can be directed to nominated friends or family. These types of alarms use a sim card or a landline so it is important that these are in good working order and plugged in or fully charged at all times.
Inspect Batteries within all your Security Devices
All Home Security Systems, inclusive of traditional and wireless security systems rely on battery power. We recommend you replace the batteries in your security panel every three to four years. It would be a good idea to inspect them and replace the batteries if and when required. It is important that security components within your home security system never fail due to battery-related issues.
Here is a list of home security items that require regular battery checks.
- Home Security Cameras
- Smart locks
- Carbon Monoxide Detectors
- Carbon Monoxide Monitors
- Smoke detectors
- Control panels
- Door and window security sensors
- Image Sensors
Request an Annual Inspection for your Security System
Booking in a professional security system inspection can help a great deal. Helping to ensure that each and every aspect of your home security system works as you would expect. This will also save you time so you can deal with other items that are in your spring cleaning checklist. Most home security alarm systems and monitoring companies will offer annual inspections at a reasonable cost. We feel It would be a good idea to take advantage of this. Making sure that your home security system provides the highest level of security for your property. Leaving you to rest easy that your home security system will run without a hitch.
A home security inspection will generally include the following list of maintenance checks:
- Repairs on any minor faults
- Check whether the customer has experienced any problems with the system
- Checks on mains and standby power supplies including charging rates
- Check operations of all detection devices
- Checking control unit for correct operation
- Checking and testing remote signaling equipment
- Check all audible warning and alarm devices for correct operation
- Checking the alarm system is fully operational
- Check all operations of keypads and LEDs
Home Security Colchester is at the forefront for us here at Lenz Security. Providing maintenance for Home Security is best left in our capable hands. Providing you with the tools and support to really feel safe and secure in your home or property. So, as well as completing the above checks, we also provide answers to any questions or queries that you may have. Leaving you safe in the knowledge that your property is fully secure upon completion of your Home Security Systems Annual Inspection. Contact us today for a free quote.