With many of you now owning smart security systems, Colchester based Lenz Security would like to discuss some of the other, unexpected benefits that come with having CCTV in your home!
In previous blogs, we have extolled the virtues of installing an up-to-date home security system that includes home alarms and CCTV. The most obvious reason for doing this is crime prevention and the general protection of your home and loved ones.
But did you know, there are several other benefits with home CCTV that you might not have expected when you decided to have CCTV installed in your home?
Let us dive right in and have a look at some alternative uses for your CCTV!

Baby/Child cam
Did you know that most up-to-date CCTV systems allow users to control the cameras remotely from their smartphone? It is as simple as downloading an app!
So, now that you have your own internal camera system already in place, why not make extra use of this system by using the CCTV cameras as a replacement baby cam or child cam? You can keep an eye on your baby when they are sleeping in another room, or check up on what the kids are doing upstairs, or in the garden, from the comfort of your sofa! Or perhaps you have gone for a meal and left the children with a babysitter…well what better way to know for sure that the babysitter hasn’t invited their friends around whilst you are out?
People often spend small fortunes on baby cams and child cams, but thanks to the experts in smart security systems, Colchester based Lenz Security, you now know you have a ready-made replacement already in place!
Pet cam
Ever wondered what your much-loved pets get up to when you’re out? I bet you have! Many of us own a pet, and we are all from time to time forced to leave our pets on their own for periods whilst we are out of the house. By making use of your internal CCTV systems and viewing remotely from your smartphone, you can keep an eye on what your pets are up to when you’re not home.
Whether you do this for your own entertainment, to see what the cat gets up to when you’re not there, or to find which one of your dogs is chewing the sofa when you’re at work, this is the perfect way to keep an eye on your pets!
Keep an eye on vulnerable family members
Many of us have vulnerable family members who live with us, for example, an elderly mother or father. With many internal CCTV systems being able to be accessed remotely via your smartphone, you can check in on any vulnerable person at any time, whether you are at home or not.
Everyday memories
One incredible benefit of having CCTV is the ability to capture everyday moments that would otherwise pass away into memory! It could be something amazing one of your children did in the garden, or a really funny, special moment between the family at the dinner table. With internal CCTV you can save any precious moments to be rewatched whenever you like!
Evidence of incidents outside your home
A great side benefit of having external CCTV on your home is being able to play your part in keeping your neighbourhood safe. If there is a crime committed somewhere else in your area your CCTV may capture something that could be used by authorities to either lead them to the suspect or even be used in court as evidence.
Also, if there was ever an accident or other incident outside your property, your CCTV footage could play a vital role in determining what happened.

Smart Security Systems Colchester
So there you are, there are many additional and unexpected benefits to having CCTV in your home. As experts in smart security systems, Colchester based Lenz Security are happy to discuss your home security requirements, including home CCTV systems. To speak to our team please contact us here. Alternatively, please feel free to visit our Facebook page for up-to-date news, reviews, and photos of recent work we have done.